Sunday, November 10, 2013

November!! by Greta P

Reading and Writing

In reading the past two weeks we started reading our new reading group books with partners. Some books we are reading are Tuck Everlasting, Walk Two Moons and The War With Grandpa. Also, we have been continuing our read aloud, Wrinkle in Time. To dig deeper into the characters of this book, we wrote traits about main characters (Meg, Calvin and Charles Wallace) then had to find text to justify the traits.

In writing the past two weeks we have written three flash drafts for the same narrative. Soon we will work through the writing process with this narrative seed, then share the final draft to our classmates. Ask your child about Peter’s Chair!

Math, Science and Number Corner

In math the past two weeks we have wrapping up Unit 1 and started moving into Unit 2! Unit 2 will involve long division, 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication and making arrays for both multiplication and division. We have also played a game called I Have, Who Has? This is a game involving arrays!

In science the past two weeks we have been continuing our Solar System unit.

In number corner the past two weeks we have been starting to look at our new calendar for November, and this month, we will learn about liquid measuring. Also, converting ounces to pints, quarts to gallons etc......   

Other Important News and Events

- Our November share will be about what we are thankful for. Prepare to share on your day!
- Endeavor again will be holding a Pie Sale (yum!) for the Craft Fair! If you are want to participate please fill out the signup sheet and send it to school with your child!

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