Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hello Families!

Thought I would catch you up as we get ready to head into April break.  First of all, THANK YOU again!!  Thank you to everyone who attended the Poetry Slam that Kate planned and especially for contributing to her gift!  She was clearly overwhelmed with gratitude, and I hope you saw how much she appreciates your children. Thank you. Also, THANK YOU for any contribution you offer to Cheryl Thomas and her family in this very difficult time.  Cheryl has been missed and we are all wishing her the best!

Students have completed all but one session of the SBAC testing.  We plan to complete it on Wednesday 4/29!  The following week, (5/4-5/8) students will take the Science NECAP test TuesdayWednesday and Thursdaymornings. 

Students have been studying Geometry in Bridges Unit 5 and exploring benchmark angles using pattern blocks, learning about circles and circle vocabulary, and using protractors.  After break we will focus on perimeter, area, symmetry, and of course, more mathematical vocabulary. 

This week we started focusing our reading work so that it combines with US Geography!  All students are using Ipads to read E-Books called Truflix.  We started with a book about US landforms, then broke into groups each focusing on a different region.  Students are meeting with me in a "book club" format to discuss their reading and learning and all groups are expected to become experts on their region so that they can teach the rest of the class what they learned.  We're focusing on: physical features/waterways, people/culture, industry and natural resources of each region. Students can access these books through the library website at home if you want to find out more!! 

State map quizzes continue through May!  Students are moving at their own pace through a set of 3 quizzes: States (by region), physical features, then states and capitals.  Students can have up to 4 chances to pass each quiz.  They've had some time to practice in class, but won't always be guaranteed this time.  I hope you're seeing their map packets at home! 

After break, we'll continue to study US geography, but will also start a Matter Unit!!  

Other news/upcoming events:
 - 4th graders will be attending a Civil War reenactment as another opportunity to connect with Vermont History! It's right here in Shelburne on Friday May 8.  More info to follow after break. 

 - Students will not have HW over break but should be reading.  In order to help encourage this, we are sending home a "reading challenge".  This is optional, and as I said, just a way to encourage students to do LOTS of reading over the break. 

 - I am going to pilot an incentive program through the end of the year.  It will be modeled after a game (Mario Brothers :)), and for it I will need lots of pennies, ball jars with lids, and penny wraps.  If you have any of this stuff lying around at home that you are willing to send in, i'd appreciate it.  

 - May 1-9 PTO Days - Order cheescake through Good Comida to support the PTO!!
Here is a link to the latest PTO news

Here are some links to fun science activity ideas for break:

Ok, that's enough for now.  Thanks as always for your continued support! 

Cara :)