Friday, September 25, 2015

Open House Week

     This week has been a little busy.
Writing: We are currently writing to Shelburne residents about why we should keep the watershed healthy. We are using our science notebooks to help us. We are expected to write four paragraphs and include why we should keep it healthy and how we can keep it healthy. We started with an outline and now are on our first draft.
     Reading: At the moment Mrs.crowther is teaching us how to write 5th grade reading responses. It is difficult. Yesterday she had us work with a partner and first give ourselves scores of either 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grade levels. Then we scored our partners by reading their response and justifying why we gave them that certain score. Students did a great job working on this and giving themselves and their partners honest feedback!:)
     Math: Right now in math we are doing a baseline assessment and working on doubling and halving.   The assessment served as a great reminder for why we need to continue to practice our facts! Very few students could solve 20 multiplication facts in 1 minute!  
     Science: Right now we are studying ecosystems and the watershed. We are also learning about the food web and the food chain.
Other fun stuff: We also enjoyed a lovely Open House with our Families, walked our food drive donations to the food shelf, and created precepts with Sam Drazin!

Don't forget Hike for Hunger on Saturday!
Field Trip Monday 10/5! Students will need a bagged lunch and boots! We'll be doing sampling in the McCabe's Brook!

Homework: This week, the goal sheet came home with choices! Students have already chosen which activity they will do for each content area.  Please go over this with them this weekend.  They've also created a work plan for themselves on the back of the Goal Sheet.  

Stay in Touch!

Friday, September 11, 2015

PTO Genevieve Fundraiser comes home today!!

Fundraiser time! Due back by Oct 5th!
Endeavor raised the most money last year and hope to be the team to beat again!!

Monday, September 7, 2015

1st Full Week!

Dear Families, 

Hello and Happy September!!  
We had a great first full week this week.  As I keep reminding the students, it is so awesome to see how much 4th graders grow over the summer! They start the school year as 5th graders that are applying what they've learned, raising their own standards, and eager to work hard!!  It truly is exciting!!

This week we enjoyed doing the "Week of Inspirational Math" provided by Jo Boaler and the program out of Stanford University.  Each lesson provided a great puzzle/challenge which allowed us to practice/review expectations for our math classroom, review and practice Math Habits of Mind and Interaction, and of course, remind us about the importance of having a Growth Mindset!!  
This was also listed on the goal sheet this week!  Students are to pick just one activity to share with you.  They should ask you questions as they were asked, they hopefully will also ask you to justify your thinking.  They might even be a "skeptic" which we also practiced in our math talks this week!! :)  

Additionally, we continued to talk about the school wide expectations of Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful and are practicing Mindfulness daily!!

We're continuing in our Ecology unit by studying Food Chains and Webs, and learning more about similarities in Plant and Animal life cycles.  This week we'll learn more about what a watershed is, the watershed we live in, and how it ties into our Ecology studies!!

Finally, we're trying to post things daily via our Twitter feed, and students will also be posting to See Saw at least once weekly.  Don't forget to check them out ( We only have 6 followers on Twitter I think,,,:().  

  • Walking FT Thursday, students should come prepared with boots and a lunch!!
  • Band Lessons have started!  Help your child remember their instrument please!!
  • Chorus will begin this week for all interested students!
  • Open House!  Tuesday, 9/22 8-9 am.
  • No School Wednesday 9/23