Monday, September 24, 2012

Dear Writers

Dear Students,

        Thank you for being so open and honest and writing to me about your “writing selves.”  I very much enjoyed getting to know you better as writers, and as individuals.  Before I share some of the things I learned about you, I thought I’d share a bit about “ my writing self”. 

        I am a writer who writes with a purpose – usually, to communicate something.  I often write non-fiction and usually keep things pretty procedural.  Currently at home, I’m writing a journal to Poppy and even that is pretty straight forward.  I also have to confess that I do not love writing.  It is not my strength and I don’t spend much of my free time doing it.  However, because of this, I have made “To Become a better writer and writing teacher” a goal for myself each of the last 3 school years.  And I think my efforts are slowly paying off – but each year, it’s a lot of focused, hard work.  I take classes and read books to help me become a better writing teacher for YOU! J  And finally, I like to learn a lot of my lessons about writing, from AUTHORS!  I study the art of writing in the reading I do – and in the read alouds we do in class.  We’ll be doing this together all year! 

        So now, I’d like to share with you some of the MANY things I learned about the writers in our classroom!   Some things that came up often were that you need a QUIET environment in order to do your best writing.  I also read that you need private think time, help with ideas, you like to be alone, and that you need to slow down and/or to reread your work often.  I also learned that many of our classmates want to improve their spelling, handwriting, and they like to SHARE their writing! 

        Many of our fellow writers like to write about: family, animals/fish/pets, friends, funny things, and yourselves!  I also learned that the majority of you like to write fiction and use your imaginations!!  On that note, I learned that you too use other books, your imagination, and inspiring stuff in nature to help you get inspired to write. 

And finally, I was so happy to read over and over again how many of you LOVE to write!  How exciting for our classroom. J  We have many future authors in here!  It was refreshing to read how much you enjoy writing – I heard that it allows you to express yourselves, calms you down and motivates you, and even helps bring you back up when you’re feeling down.  How wonderful to know that writing plays such an important role in so many of our lives!!

Thank you again for your thoughtfulness.  I look forward to writing with you this year – both teaching, learning and growing together!
Mrs. Crowther J
Dear Families,
  Hello and Happy Fall!  (I waited until the weekend to send this, just so I could say that..... :))

School is finally starting to feel like we're getting into the routine of things.  Just in time to have a 4 day week, a field trip, and NECAP testing...... Anyway, here are some of the things we've been doing:

Reading : 
Reading conferences, our first response, and 3 minute fluency assessments.

Students wrote me letters about their "writing lives,", and continue to work in their notebooks.  This week however, they actually started a couple of narratives.  Soon, students will choose one of the narratives they've already started to work through the writing process!!  
Look for the letter that I wrote in response to the students' "writing lives" letter on our blog site!!

We've been working on understanding area this week in preparation for looking at multiplication using the area model.  In addition to using pattern blocks to  think about area, we used 1 in square tiles this week. Multiplication starts on Monday! Additionally, we shared our strategies for subtraction after looking at the HW together.  And finally, we talked about a new ADDITION to the goal sheet - CLINIC!!  
Students brought home a (computation) clinic book (you may have heard it referenced to as "the dinosaur"...:)), a salmon colored instruction sheet, and either a pink or yellow clinic cover sheet.  All students were placed in either addition or subtraction based on a few assessments they've completed.   They will complete 4 problems a night (Due Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), and one of those 4 problems should be solved using 2 different methods.  Students correct themselves, turn it in each day and keep the clinic book in their HW folder.  Please let me know if you have questions about this part of the weekly goal sheet.  

Spelling (word study) will also start this week.  There will be 2 groups in our classroom.  All groups will bring home a packet on Monday that is due on Friday.  We complete a pre-test on Monday and go over the spelling rule and word sort together.  The rest of the work is to be completed at home.  The quiz will always be on Friday.  

Other important stuff:
I know that there was a big meeting with 4th grade parents, administrators and school board members this week concerning the large class sizes we're faced with this year.  I wanted to say thank you for your support.  I hope that we can now move forward with what we've got and continue to feel supported and confident in all of the people and programs at SCS.  Moving forward, we are fortunate here in Shelburne to already have many supports in place.  And of course, I will always do my best to meet the needs of ALL of my students.  

- Remember, there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday (9/26)

- Field trip to Shelburne Farms on Friday 9/28.  A permission slip came home last week.  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  It's sure to be a great time!!

 - NECAP testing will start the first week of October (10/4) and continue through the following week.  4th graders complete testing in both math and reading.  Science NECAP will take place next spring.  

OK, That's enough for now.  Keep in touch!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

First Week!!


Hello Families and Happy Blue Moon!!

I am pleased to say that we have had a successful first week of school!  The students are working really hard and are enjoying getting to meet new friends and see old ones.  

Some things we've been working on this week:

  • Building reading endurance
  • Writing a story about our summer - independently
  • Introduction to Habits of Mind - especially in math
  • Learning about classroom jobs and "applying" for them (to be posted Tuesday!)
  • Getting to know each other better
  • Classroom/schoolwide procedures
    •  Daily routines
    •  Lining up quietly
    •  Transitioning to and from circle - quickly, quietly, and calmly
    •  "freezing" when we hear the signal
    •   cleaning up the classroom
    •   Using the classroom library
    •   Showing good listening
    •   and many more!
  • How to create the BEST classroom community!
Of course, we're also taking assessments, enjoying Read-alouds and activities with our Endeavor team mates, and getting to know our classroom.

**Important for you to know that students will be bringing home their FIRST GOAL SHEET tonight!  Goal sheets basically outline our HW for the following week and are always due, along with the HW, on Thursdays.  Next week's HW is simply one math sheet (review), 2 entries in their writer's notebooks, and to read nightly.  You will also see a YELLOW reading log come home.  This is what students will be using to keep track of BOTH their in school and at home reading.  It should be brought back and forth with their reading book each day.  There is one place on the goal sheet where I ask for your signature.  This is for you to sign off on their at home reading.  (They should be keeping track of the book title, total number of pages, and nightly the number of minutes read and the number of pages read.)

Next week we'll continue practicing classroom procedures, start exploring shapes in math, begin September's Number Corner (part of Bridges Math), learn more about Habits of Mind, continue collecting entries in our writer's notebooks, work on building reading endurance, and of course, have fun and get to know each other better! :)

And finally, as always, please feel free to ask questions if you have them.  Email is probably the best way to get a hold of me but you may also try calling.  However, please know that there is usually just one time in the morning, and one time in the evening that I check my mail.  

I look forward to a great year with your children! :)