Monday, October 29, 2012

Reading and Writing

    In reading this week we have been reading our just right books (like we usually do), writing responses and doing book talks when we finish books. Also we performed our Reader’s Theatres skits! It was a lot of fun to watch all of them and they had good lessons. Some of them were commit to your commitment (that was in the play Commit to Commitment), rumours travel fast (the other reporter Maddy was in the one Oh No you’re Kidding), be chivalrous (I was in that one and it was called The Girls of the Round Table) and finally don’t bully because you will get a taste of your own medicine (How Animals Got their Beautiful Coats).

    In writing we have been talking more and writing more about our narratives. We have been doing self conferences (SC), peer conferences (PC) and a lot of people have signed up for content conference (CC). If you are wondering what all those things are I’ll tell you. A self conference is a conference that you have with yourself and give yourself 2 suggestions to make our narrative better. A peer conference is when you have a conference with a friend or a peer. You swap notebooks with them and when you are done you give them 2 suggestions and they give you 2 suggestions. Last but not least a content conference is when you have a conference with Kristy or Mrs. Crowther and they give you 2 suggestions. Gee there are a lot of suggestions in writing! 

Math, Science, and Number Corner

    In math this week we have been working with tiles and trying to show a couple different arrays and then write an equation to go with it. We did this to go with the story called Spaghetti and Meatballs For All. The characters get into this situation tried to explain but nobody understood. The situation was that everybody wanted to sit together so they pushed all the tables together and there wasn’t enough room for everyone to sit. Do you know why? Our classroom does! We figure out why and we also did a page in our Student Book about the book. Finally, on Friday we did an assessment to see how much we learned in the unit. We did an assessment before the unit started and Mrs. Crowther is going to compare them to see how much we learned.

    In science this week we have been exploring Non-Fiction books and and looking for different types of Non-Fiction.  Some of the different ones we have found in class are biography, autobiography, and science. We did a Non- Fiction scavenger hunt and also in science we have been learning about the respiratory system. We have been watching videos about breathing, lungs, and we have been learning about the heart, lungs, blood cells, the trachea and lots more.

    In number corner this week we have been working with cups, quarts, and gallons and have been connecting them to division and multiplication. Sometimes we even have to do multiplication to do division! We are doing this to go with our October calendar.

 Other Important News and Events
      This week Kristy (our regular PARA) has been substituting for  the awesome Mrs. Crowther because she has to take care of a family member.

By Greta Powers and Maddy Krupp

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Math, Number Corner and Science

    In Math this week we have been finding hidden arrays and recorded them in our student book. To do this we split up in 2 groups so everybody would have more time to think and to share our thinking. We also tried to figure out the pattern a manipen. A manipen is when you take a number, multiply it by 3, then you subtract 1. So 8 would be 23 and 100 would be 299. On Thursday we mixed Math with our work period (since we had Friday off). This meant that some kids were doing Fastt Math And others were correcting homework. Mrs. Crowther told the rest of us to do a new activity, workplaces. We had 2 games to do in workplaces. In 1 game you had to fill a 100 array with smaller arrays without any overlaps (the first person to fill the array wins). The other game we could play was about multiplication statagies and we had to spin 2 spinners to get factors and then we had to determine what kind of fact it was. Was it a decade minus 1 set fact? Or a Clock fact? A doubles-doubles fact? Or a doubles-doubles-doubles fact?

    In Number Corner we have been noticing more patterns in our calendar and still pouring a quart of water each day. We figured out that every 16 days we make a gallon with all the water we poured and that there is always going to be and animal or 2 each 4 days and that the amount of legs they have will match the number of that day.

    In Science we are studying more about the respiratory system and Mrs. Crowther told us a story about when she had pneumonia and her lung was affected.

Reading and Writing
    In Reading this week we have been reading our just right book and doing book talks. Some interesting ones that I have seen and heard are The Titans Curse, The Adventures of Tintin, and Brian’s Winter. We also have been doing responses in our response journal. We do these things  to tell Mrs.Crowther we finished a book and to recommend books to others. We have also been practicing our readers theater  to practice fluent reading and so we can have some fun!

    In writing this week we have been choosing our narratives and digging deep to try to get really specific on our small moment.  Each student is to come up with a moment that they think has some feeling and emotion to it. They are you use details,expression, and try to paint a picture in the readers mind.

Other Important News and Events
        -UA curriculum night is on Tuesday October, 23 at 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
    -Gift Wrap pick up is on Tuesday October, 23 at 2:00pm to 8:00pm in the small gym. Kids can NOT take orders home on the bus you have to come pick it up.
    -Math Club will be different this year it will be held after school and you should have gotten an email from Mr. Madden. Good news is anybody that wants to can join. It will start in November.
    -Report Cards will come home on 11/9
    -Conferences are on 11/12 with a few spots 11/19 and 11/20
    -Thank you for everyone who sent in a treat for NECAPS we still have treats to eat. We are going to save some to eat for after our Reader’s Theatre performances.
Written by Maddy Krupp and Greta Powers

Monday, October 15, 2012

Math, Number Corner and Science

        In Math this week we have been learning about prime and composite numbers and what the definition is. We have also made all the ways to make arrays of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 with one inch square tiles.We recorded all the ways in our  student workbook. On Friday Mrs. Crowther said by the end of fourth grade we should have all our multiplication facts memorized all the way up to 12x12. To help us memorize these facts we talked about strategies and looked at a multiplication table.

        In Number Corner we wrote down some observations and predictions on our new calendar which so far has an interesting pattern. We also are going to pour a quart of green dyed water into a container each day. We will trade in quarts for gallons and keep track of all of this on a grid.

        In Science we finished learning about the digestive system and we now we are learning about the respiratory system. We have watched a video about this system and read two articles about it. So far we have learned that the three main organs in the respiratory system are the lungs, trachea and the diaphragm.

Reading and Writing
 In reading this week we have been doing book talks, readers theater(which is a little skit we do to help us read fluently), and we also did a little bit of the read aloud. We have also been reading our just right book and been recording them in our reading log.

 In writing this week we have been doing free writes and been choosing which story we like best to do our narratives. Some of the class is farther than others, but each one is going to be done and right now are just taking their time.
 Other Important News and Events

       For all of you Skippyjon Jones lovers out there Judy Schachner (the author of Skippyjon Jones) is going to be at the Shelburne Town Hall Tuesday, October the 16th at 4pm for her launch party of her newest book, Skippyjon Jones: Cique de Ole. R.S.V.P with the number of people in your party to 985-3999 or email

       Also no school on Friday 10/19 so don’t forget or else you’ll come to school to find nobody there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

      In reading this week we have been continuing our read aloud of Ida B. and we have also been reading articles in a new magazine from Scholastic called “Storyworks.” We also have been signing up for book talks after we read a book and continuing to write in our reader’s response journal.

Math, Number Corner and Science
       This week in math we have been building arrays with 1 inch square tiles and drawing them in our math journal. We have also been talking about different terms that we use for arrays like, dimensions, area, and factors. One other thing is that all of us kids have learned the new saying “ commutative property of multiplication”.  Another thing I would like to tell you is that this week we have started “Dynamath.” “Dynamath” is a Scholastic magazine that has articles that have math problems on every page to go with them. For example , this week, we all split up into groups and  read an article about koalas and the article made us write number sentences to show our work. We had to read the story the article gave us, then, we had to figure out if the article wanted us to solve multiplication or division. After that we had to write the number sentence (number sentences) to go with the problem the story was giving you.
            In Number Corner this week we have not done much because we got a new  calendar for October and it has not  given us many clues about what to predict, but as the month goes on we will start to make predictions about what we think will happen next or what we think the pattern is.
            In science this week, we have been studying the human body. We have been focusing on the digestive system. We have learned about the esophagus, the large intestine (which is really a long tube inside your body that that is 20-25 feet long inside your body), the small intestine, the liver and the pancreas. We have also learned that tissue makes cells, cells makes organs, organs makes systems and systems make THE HUMAN MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other Important News and Events

         Last week on Thursday we started NECAPS. We have been doing the reading sessions first and we will soon be moving into the math sessions. Families have also been welcome to send in treats for the students to keep us awake (because we do the tests in the morning) to help us do our best work.

        Also on Friday Mrs. Crowther gave us a catalog of non-fiction books from Scholastic. If you are going to buy books from there the orders are due 10/15/12.

By: Maddy Krupp and Greta Powers

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

     In reading, we have have been reading our just right book and we have been reading a book in class called Ida B. We’ve also been using our book boxes to hold our book, reading log, light read, back up book(which is our book in case we finish the one we are reading), a pencil to write and our reading response journal. What is a reading response you ask? Well, it is where we write letters to Mrs. Crowther about our reading life and what books we are reading.   

             In writing we have been brainstorming different ideas to get ideas to write our personal narratives that we will publish. This is the second writing project we have done this year. The first project was the bio-poem. 


    In math this week Mr. Madden (the math teacher we have been working with) has been working with us with 1 inch square tiles and linear pieces. With these tools we have been building models representing multiplication and division. We have also been working in our student work books where we write observations and other math problems.
    In number corner we have been working with centimeters, meters and decimeters (which is 10 centimeters). We’ve also been observing the calendar and figuring out the Egyptian numeral patterns that people actually used!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other Important News and Events

          This week our team went to Shelburne Farms to make pizza and work on team building.  Some groups went on the tractor and all groups got to cook and play awesome games. We learned how to work together and how much work goes into making a pizza! The trip was really fun but the best part was that Mrs. Crowther’s baby Poppy, came too!

          This week we will also be starting NECAPS. NECAPS are when we do a big test through 10/4 to 10/11 and if you’re sick on one of those days we are having a make up week! Get ready and put your thinking caps on students!

Written by: Greta Powers and Maddy Krupp