Monday, February 18, 2013

        Math, Social Studies and Number Corner

        This week in math we have been working on division arrays. Division arrays are very similar to multiplication arrays but with multiplication arrays you count up the squares to get the answer in the middle, and with division arrays, you count the groups across until you get the number you are dividing and then you find the answer on top of the array. Arrays are a division strategy. We also had the NAEP test which was interesting because as well as educational questions, they also asked us questions about our everyday life, as in, who do you live with, where do you live, how much TV you watch, and so on.
        This week in social studies we have started a skit called “The Scrambled States of America.” Kansas and Nebraska were tired of their places and wanted to meet new states so they organized a party and invited all the states. Then, all the states decided to switch places with another state, so that is exactly what they did. They realized that they were not happy with their switching, and they went back to their original places. Each student got two to three parts and they have at least two lines to say. We have to make posters about our states and write fifteen facts about our states.
        We have figured out the pattern on the February calendar in Number Corner! It goes: the number going into the machine gets multiplied by three, and then that number gets added one, and then goes out of the machine. We have started a chart and recorded all this information.

        Reading and Writing

      In reading this week we have been reading historical fiction which are all set in Vermont in different time periods. We are reading the books with the reading partners we had before the winter break. We have been focusing on what time period and where the setting is in our books. We also have been focusing on the main character(s) and what the main character(s) are like. We have also been doing silent reading.
      In writing this week we have been responding to this prompt:
Do you think it is more important for 4th grader to learn and practice cursive or typing?
We started by writing a one paragraph response to that. Then we tried to extend it into more than one paragraph. We are now taking the steps to learning how to make it into a five paragraph essay. We are still going to the computer lab to do kidblog (ask you child for details) and type to learn. Some of us worked on young writers project (YWP) with Kelly Marcus.

Other Important News and Events

- On Monday February 4th all fourth graders will NAEP testing in the morning.
- Thursday, February 7th 2:30 pm-6:30 pm Red Barn order pick-up. It will be in the SCS breezeway
- Monday, February 15th the scholastic book fair will be going on in the SCS library.
- Monday, February 25th-Friday, March there is no school. It is winter break

     By Nigel Wormser and Heidi Berger

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