Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1

Add Image October 1, 2008

Dear Families,

Hello and Happy October!! Fall is right on-time isn’t it! This week the children are sharing their favorite things about fall. Most of them love jumping in leaves and of course, Halloween.

As I’m sure you’ve heard, we have been practicing for the upcoming NECAP tests. My hope is that the children will understand the kinds of questions they will be asked and the kinds of answers the test makers are looking for.

Testing will begin tomorrow and will continue next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please be sure that your child gets a good breakfast and plenty of rest for testing days. Additionally, homework will be slightly less on testing nights.

Reading – In addition to prepping for testing, we have been learning strategies for what to do when we don’t understand what we’re reading. We’ve talked about both content comprehension and figuring out unknown words. The students shared strategies for solving these problems independently while they are reading. Additionally, the children are continuing to respond to their reading by writing to me in their response journals.

Next week, the students will be working on fluency by working with Reader’s Theater skits. There will be three groups. Each child will have at least one part. Reader’s Theater is a great way to practice fluency because it requires students to do multiple re-reads and it requires them to follow along while others read. (Little do they know they are working on fluencyJ). Additionally, it requires them to read with proper voice tone and fluctuation. We will do mini-skits at the end of the week so children can present their work.

Math – The students have started working in their EDM (Everyday Math) journals. Soon you will see math work coming home that is related to lines, rays, line segments, points, parallel and perpendicular lines, and the like. Look for a family letter which should help with any unknown vocabulary.

Mapping – I am happy to say that every child improved on their map quizzes the 2nd time. Over half of the class has passed MAP one already! Students who need it still have two chances to pass. Friday is the next quiz. Next, we will be learning the states.

Science -Today the SMILEDocs came for their first visit. These are UVM college of Medicine students who come in to help students learn about the human body. (You will see a letter come home from them tomorrow.) Ask your child what they learned today, what they created today, and what great questions they have for the medical students!!

**If anyone would like to come in and share their expertise about the Human Body, please contact me to set something up!! (I know there are a lot of doctors out there…)**


Cara Crowther J

985-3331 x154

My Question for the week:

How is homework going for you and your child?

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