Monday, May 6, 2013

Math, Science, Number Corner

In math this week we have been learning about probability by using “mini cards” and pictographs. Mini cards are well, miniature cards that come in a set of 40. The numbers go up to 10 and there is 4 of each card. Mini cards helped us when we had to answer questions about the probability of mini cards getting pulled or drawn (we also had to do some adding and subtracting during this). A pictograph is a graph with pictures. First, we looked at 2 pictographs to compare and contrast them.  Then, we answered questions about the pictograph. Also this week we played a game. This game we had to spin a spinner that had different  sized sections  and numbers in it.  We played  this game  with a partner and after a game we added up  the numbers to see who won. After 3 games, we totaled  our scores and recorded  the info  on a class data  chart  the next day, we made generalizations about the data .

In science this week we  have been learning deeper about our  matter  vocabulary  words and we have been preparing for the Science NECAPS  for next week. To learn  more about our matter vocabulary words we looked them up on the  DE Science  website as a class to really understand them. This week we got our Pre-Science NECAPS back. Some kids also got a rubric  with their scores (Mrs.Crowther didn't get to correct everybody’s assessments). Mrs. Crowther did notice though  that our class hasn’t had any practice with writing steps with a procedure. This meant that we had to practice more with writing steps for procedures and we did.  Our class wrote steps for a procedure to find the melting point of ice cream, ice and butter.

In number corner this week we have been starting to observe our calendar. For this month the days on our calendar are coordinate points from a map. This month we are tracking the travel of a family going across the United States. Each day we record where the family has traveled by using the coordinate points and a map. Also, we record how many miles they have traveled each day by using a key and addition.

Other Important News and Events

-NECAP Science Assessment this week!
- Chorus Concert 5/9 at 7:00pm
- Jogathon 5/23     

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