Monday, October 29, 2012

Reading and Writing

    In reading this week we have been reading our just right books (like we usually do), writing responses and doing book talks when we finish books. Also we performed our Reader’s Theatres skits! It was a lot of fun to watch all of them and they had good lessons. Some of them were commit to your commitment (that was in the play Commit to Commitment), rumours travel fast (the other reporter Maddy was in the one Oh No you’re Kidding), be chivalrous (I was in that one and it was called The Girls of the Round Table) and finally don’t bully because you will get a taste of your own medicine (How Animals Got their Beautiful Coats).

    In writing we have been talking more and writing more about our narratives. We have been doing self conferences (SC), peer conferences (PC) and a lot of people have signed up for content conference (CC). If you are wondering what all those things are I’ll tell you. A self conference is a conference that you have with yourself and give yourself 2 suggestions to make our narrative better. A peer conference is when you have a conference with a friend or a peer. You swap notebooks with them and when you are done you give them 2 suggestions and they give you 2 suggestions. Last but not least a content conference is when you have a conference with Kristy or Mrs. Crowther and they give you 2 suggestions. Gee there are a lot of suggestions in writing! 

Math, Science, and Number Corner

    In math this week we have been working with tiles and trying to show a couple different arrays and then write an equation to go with it. We did this to go with the story called Spaghetti and Meatballs For All. The characters get into this situation tried to explain but nobody understood. The situation was that everybody wanted to sit together so they pushed all the tables together and there wasn’t enough room for everyone to sit. Do you know why? Our classroom does! We figure out why and we also did a page in our Student Book about the book. Finally, on Friday we did an assessment to see how much we learned in the unit. We did an assessment before the unit started and Mrs. Crowther is going to compare them to see how much we learned.

    In science this week we have been exploring Non-Fiction books and and looking for different types of Non-Fiction.  Some of the different ones we have found in class are biography, autobiography, and science. We did a Non- Fiction scavenger hunt and also in science we have been learning about the respiratory system. We have been watching videos about breathing, lungs, and we have been learning about the heart, lungs, blood cells, the trachea and lots more.

    In number corner this week we have been working with cups, quarts, and gallons and have been connecting them to division and multiplication. Sometimes we even have to do multiplication to do division! We are doing this to go with our October calendar.

 Other Important News and Events
      This week Kristy (our regular PARA) has been substituting for  the awesome Mrs. Crowther because she has to take care of a family member.

By Greta Powers and Maddy Krupp

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