Thursday, June 29, 2017
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Summer reading
Dear Families,
Welcome to the month of June! It is hard to believe that fourth grade is almost over. Your children have worked hard this year and have grown in so many ways. As you look ahead to summer, I hope that your calendars are filled with rest, relaxation, and fun. I also hope your summer is filled with reading!
As we close out our school year, the fourth grade will be hosting a book exchange to encourage, excite, and get new titles in the hands of kids. Over the next week, please help your child look through their shelves to find gently used books that they are no longer interested in, but would be a great book for a friend. Have them bring them to school by Tuesday, June 13th. On Wednesday, kids will exchange them!
Your child might also want to bring in the book box they got from me in December to keep their books in, or a shoebox for storage.
Continuing to focus on reading is an important part of summer. This can help your child improve their reading, or at least avoid the "summer slide. See attached documents for more information on the importance of reading over the summer. Additionally, I will be hosting a summer book club at the Pierson 2 x this summer. Dates and titles will come home soon!!
Please let me know if you have any questions or needs. I am looking forward to the exchange!
Cara :)
Did you know…?
The best predictor of summer loss or summer gain is whether or not a child reads during the summer. And the best predictor of whether a child reads is whether or not he or she has access to books. (Allington, McGill-Franzen, 2003)
Children who read four or more books over the summer fare better on reading-comprehension tests in the fall than their peers who read one or no books over the summer. (Kim, 2004)
The two largest contributions to reading achievement are access to interesting books and student choice of the books they read. (Guthrie and Humenick 2004)