Monday, February 10, 2014

The News according to Greta! 2/10/14

Reading and Writing

In reading this week we have been wrapping up our World Geography unit and have been starting a U.S. History unit. To wrap up our Geography unit, we were given a checklist that with alllllll of the geography projects/tests we ever did. Mrs. Crowther would then give points for each project we did. Out of 100 points, our goal would be 80 (for some of us, she hasn't corrected them yet and we’re still biting our nails waiting to find out). To move into our U.S history unit, with our reading partners we picked 2 books from a wide variety of non-fiction books then compared and contrasted them after we skimmed them. For example, one of your books could be a picture book and the other could be a heavy duty book. We also read articles that looked like a newspaper and talked about ways non-fiction readers read with power. Remind your child to log their reading daily and bring their log back to school everyday!

In writing this week we have been starting Kidblog up again! We have only done posted responses to prompts twice, but here is the kink to Mrs. Crowther’s class Kidblog if you want to check it out!

Math, Science and Number Corner

In math this week we have been continuing Unit 3. Our focus is to be precise and accurate as possible. We have also been working finding out the reflective symmetry, rotational symmetry and other properties of polygons. To go along with this study, we have been figuring out polygon riddles. A polygon riddle is where we get 5 clues about a polygon and we have to use the process of elimination to figure out which polygon is the answer. For example, My polygon has no right angles or My polygon is a quadrilateral. Ask your child about Studio in math!

In science this week we haven’t really been doing much. Hopefully we’ll be starting a fun, new subject soon! Stay tuned!

In number corner this week we have been making observations about our new calendar which involves fractions but we have also been working on probability too. If you remember last year, Mrs. Crowther filled a bag with different colored tiles and we had to figure out the theoretical probability and the experimental probability as we took 6 samples a day. We have been using words such as certain, likely, as likely as unlikely, unlikely, impossible. Ask your child what all these words mean!

Other Important News and Events
- Book fair is this upcoming week! Tons of fun new books and knickknacks await!
- Ask your child about our fieldtrip to the UVM Fleming Museum!
- If your child is in Concert Band, make sure he or she is practicing and filling out their practice sheet!