Friday, March 22, 2013

Math, Science and Number Corner
    In math this week we learned about pi and we continued our unit on geometry. We started really using math vocabulary, our word wall with all of the math words we have learned so far this year is full! Geometry has a lot of math words. We also started learning about 3-D shapes. When we learned about pi, we watched videos about it. We learned about pi on pi day. We found pi by cutting a piece of string to fit around some kind of round object, then we cut the string the perimeter as many times as we could. We figured out that pi is three perimeters and a smidge. Smidge is not a math word, but that’s what we called it.
    In number corner this week we have been looking at the calendar and making observations and predictions. We are also doing a water evaporation experiment. Our number corner people have been keeping the chart up to date. We all made predictions if the cup of water in the sun will evaporate faster than the cup of water in the shade and how much water they will lose everyday.

    In science this week we have been doing force and motion. We read a book about force and motion called Forces and Motion. We took notes on what was new to us. We could read by ourselves or we could read with our shoulder partner. I think almost all of us chose to read by ourselves. We also wrote a response to Mrs. Crowther about everything we have learned about force and motion, not just from Forces and Motion, but from everything we learned and know. We are still taking the states quizzes. There are three quizzes, a states quiz, a capitals quiz and a features quiz. Everyone has four chances to pass each quiz. Friday is when we take the quiz. Everyone is at different levels. Some people are on the states quiz others are on the capitals quiz and some are on the features quiz. No one has finished all of the quizzes yet.  

    Reading and Writing

    This week in reading we have been continuously reading about force and motion.  We started another book and read it through, looking for new things about force and motion.  We have been “thinking like a scientist” as we read and we’ve been rereading, taking notes and reading deeply.  These two books have been very resourceful in learning about force and motion.  After that, Mrs. Crowther asked us to write a paragraph to her to tell her which book was easier to read, which book you got more information out of, and why.  Mrs. Crowther got many different answers.  The day after that, she made everybody in the class get a lined piece of paper and write everything they had learned from these two books.

    In writing this week, we are preparing for writing about our state by researching on the computer and in our state books.  We are learning to take notes with the three column note taking technique.   The three columns are labeled:  Questions/Main Idea;  Facts;  Response. For each resource (for example, web sites and books), we have a page in our writing notebooks, each with the three columns.   This helps to organize all the information out there.

    Stay tuned for next week’s news!

    Important News and events

    -No school on Tuesday,March 9th, 2013 dew to the weather conditions
    -No school on Friday, March 29, 2013(no idea why)
    -3/17/2013 saint patrick's day

By Nigel Wormser and Heidi Burgur


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Math, Science and Number Corner

This week in math we have still been working on plotting points and different kinds of symmetry. We have been taking a shape, making a frame for it (tracing it on a piece of paper), then putting the original shape in its frame and rotating it to see how many times it will fit in its frame (the starting position counts). This method is called rotational symmetry. Some shapes have only one order of symmetry, but then other shapes could have thousands. We’ve been using other symmetry such as reflective symmetry, and just plain old line of symmetry. Reflective symmetry is the exact reflection of a shape, and regular symmetry is taking a shape and seeing if it can be folded over to match the other side. We have been doing the same things as last week in plotting points.
In science, we have started a new unit on matter, force and motion. All we have done so far is to work on motion and force. No matter yet! Motion is where an object is pushed or pulled by force. We’ve been learning terms like gravity, velocity, acceleration, orbit and friction. I could give you a whole lesson this, but it would take up several pages! It’s seriously complicated! The basics are: an object must be moved by force (a push or pull) and then it will be in motion. Friction might slow it down; velocity is where you measure an object in motion by its speed and direction. Acceleration is the speed an object is moving. We have also learned about Galileo and how he changed the way people thought about force and motion. Another thing we learned was Newton’s three laws of motion. His first law says that an object must stay in its state of motion unless pushed or pulled by force. The second law shows that the greater the mass of an object, the harder it will be to make it move and accelerate. It will also be harder to slow down. The third law is that for every action, there is an equal reaction. This means that when an object is moved by force, the object it was on will react by pushing back at the same rate and acceleration. That’s pretty much a summary of our work in science.
In number corner this week, we have not recognized the calendar grid very much but been focussing more on water evaporation experiment. We took two cups filled with exactly 200 ml of water (we were only supposed to do one cup, but we took it farther). One is near the window, and one is near the sink (away from the window). We have been recording how much water evaporates each day. At the start of the month we predicted how much water there was going to be at the end of the month and how much the water would go down each day. At the end of the month, we are going to compare the 2 cups and their water levels to see if they evaporated differently. Only our number corner workers know, so far, what the measurements are, because they are recording this.
Stay tuned for next week’s news!

Reading And Writing

In reading this week we have been working on non-fiction strategies while reading on about our new theme in science. Our new theme in science is force and motion. We’ve been reading a book all about force and motion with a partner. We’ve been focusing on reading deeply, “like a scientist” and finding answers to questions that have to do with force and motion. While reading to find the answers to the questions we have to do a lot of deep reading, because some of the answers aren't always as obvious as others. It helps us be a better learner because we are practicing to read deeply and go back and reread.
In writing this week the Vermont author Natalie Kinsey-Warnock came to talk to all of the fourth and fifth graders here. After she talked to all of the fourth and fifth graders in the cafeteria, she came to each team separately to talk to them about ways to make the reader feel like they are there.
We are also beginning an informational essay about a state. Everyone has chosen a state to write their essay on, and now we’re starting to do research on our states. We are using a computer program called Culture Grams which has information on every state in the U.S.A. We took some notes using that, but we also each got a book all about our states, which we are also using to get information about our states.

Important News and Events

-Report cards come home March 18!
-Conferences start on March 28 and March 29 is set aside entirely for conferences. If you still need to sign up you can email Mrs.Crowther or you can send the paper sheet that Mrs. Crowther sent home. She will keep the online one current.

By Nigel Wormser and Heidi Berger

Friday, March 8, 2013

    Math, Social Studies and Number Corner

    This week in math we have started a new unit called plotting points.  Plotting points is with a graph. You have a number combination and
take the first number and count it across the “X” axis, then take the second number and count it up on the “Y” axis.  Then you find the point where the two lines meet and that is your point.  You just plotted points!  That’s all I remember because I made the mistake of waiting to write this post until after vacation week!

    In social studies, we are continuing to study US geography.  We had a test last Friday on the states, and most of us passed.   If you passed, you get to move on to study state capitals and if you didn’t you have to continue studying states.  We had another test this Friday on our capitals but we didn’t get to study for it, it was just to see how much we already know.  Now if you’ve passed this test, you get to work on rivers and mountain ranges in the entire North America.

    In number corner, we are still working with the number machine.  We have completely figured out the pattern even though Ms. Crowther tells us that we have not!  The pattern is:  the number that goes in (the date) gets multiplied by three, then gets added to one.  Then, it goes out the other side.  We have recorded all this on a chart and done several activities with it for morning work.

    Stay tuned for the news after vacation

             Reading And Writing
    In reading this week we finished our historical fiction books set in Vermont. After we finished our books we worked on a project about the book that we had just finished reading. We had a number of projects to choose from, we could also come up with our own project! We shared all of our projects on Friday with the whole class. That way everyone in the class could get and idea about what each book was about, who the main characters were, where it took place and what time.
    I writing this week we finished our four or five paragraph essays. The essays were opinion pieces about why we thought cursive or typing was more important for 4th graders to learn and practice. Since this was an opinion piece we didn’t have to say cursive was more important than typing or vice-versa. The main point of this was for us to learn how to write an organized four or five paragraph essay.

Important News And Events

    - Field trip to Montpelier on Wednesday February 6th. We will be there the whole day so make sure your child has a packed lunch!
    - Natalie Kinsey-Warnock will be visiting our school on Thursday February 7th.

          By Nigel Wormser and Heidi Berger