Monday, December 10, 2012

Math,science, and number corner                                                                   

In math this week we have been mostly working on multiplying  money. We have learned that it is harder than it looks because it has certain rules. Mrs.Crowther taught us a few different ways to do it. Many people have come up and shared the way that they are most comfortable with. We also found out what other people like to do at home when we made a list of different ways to solve multiplication problems .Even Mrs.Crowther did not know some of them!

In science this week we have worked on the study of Vermont. With our road maps we have done a little outlining/labeling. We have started a test on a laptop that makes us have to do a lot of research on specific websites. A “build a map project” has come home. Each student has ten days to finish it.  You can  build with all sorts of things like wood,paper mache,clay,and much more! They have a checklist to follow in order to get good grades but if they finish and they want more they can add things that are not on the list!

In number corner we did not do much, but we made a few observations  and predictions about the calendar. Some of  the observations were... “I observe that it goes 1 white then 2 Yellow then 1 blue and then it starts over again.” And some predictions were...“I predict that the 15th will be yellow.” Mrs.Crowther was very proud of our thoughts!

Reading and Writing       

    This week in writing we are working on our informational (or non-fiction.) pamphlets. The pamphlets are about the human body. Everyone has chosen a system in the human body to focus their pamphlets on. We have also picked a major organ or a part in the body to explain something about that part of the body.We are in partnerships of our choice to work and help each other. Partners must be writing about the same system. We are hoping to finish our pamphlets before winter break.
In music we have been writing to music. We have been writing whatever comes to mind while listening to the music. It could be a poem, a story, or any kind of writing.

    This week in reading we are still reading a book with our partner. We have been leaving tracks of our thinking throughout the book.  None of us have finished, but some are close! We have also been making a word wall. When we are reading our books we find words we can’t pronounce or don’t know the meaning of  and write it down on our own word walls. You can also put words you like on your word wall. At the end of reading, everyday Mrs.Crowther calls on a few people to share a word on their word wall to put on our class word wall. We are also working on “Someone, Wanted, But, So”. We each have a sheet which we kind of answer “Someone, Wanted, But, So” by writing the main characters name, what they wanted, what was in their way and we are still waiting to find out what happens in the end of the book which is the answer to “So”.We are also doing our usual reading.

Other important news and events
    -Chorus concert 12/13/12
    -Big Vt project came home! Due 12/17/12
    -Reduced weekly homework to make time for the VT map.

    By Nigel Wormser and Heidi Berger


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Math, Science/Social Studies and Number Corner

In math this week we built “skeletons” to frame double-digit multiplication problems. Inside the “skeleton” frame we put base ten pieces. That helped us see the answer and it helped us understand the equations better. We also made “dinosaurs”. The “dinosaurs” are the area models when the “skeleton” and the base ten pieces are put together to finish the area model. We learned how to build, draw and finally we learned how to sketch the area models. We will also be playing quite a few games to help us multiply larger numbers.

In science and social studies we finished up our study of the human body by having an assessment before break. We are now studying Vermont!!! We started the study with reading some VT related read-alouds. We also learned some special things about VT. For example, we learned what the breed of our state horse was and which presidents lived here. We have all gotten a Vermont Attractions Map and we are starting to find places in VT. We are also finding the boundaries of VT and which states or countries border us. We will learn more about VT’s geography as the week goes on.

In number corner this week we will learn the new activities our number corner keepers will be keeping up to date. The new activities will start on Monday and we will observe the new calendar squares. We recently played a game called Buzz. To play Buzz you go around and count by ones. When you get to a multiple of the number that you decided on (we did four) the person whose turn it is says “buzz”. In the November calendar the squares showed a triangle. The calendar  squares were divided into four squares. The squares are called quadrants. The triangle move position everyday. The triangle either slid or it turned or it flipped. During number corner we learned the fancy words for slide, turn and flip.

Reading and Writing

    This week in writing we have been working on our personal narratives...well, some of us. Others have been working on either Young Writers Project (YWP) or pamphlets. YWP is when some people go out in the kiva with Kelly (A faithful volunteer) and look at what the writing prompt is that week. It is always a fun thing! Then they write about the topic.Then they can post it on the web or, if they're lucky, in the news!

    Pamphlets are what some writers put information in. This time we are making our own! We are doing it about the human body.You get to pick a system and make a pamphlet about that system! It is really fun because you get to cut and paste on things.

    In reading we are doing partner reading for character and plot. We have paired up based on level and ability with reading.The first thing we did was to interview our partners about their reading. Then we got to pick our books based on our JR level! Readers have to figure out how many pages that they have to read a day.
 Other Important News and Events

    - Chorus Concert 12/13/12
    - We will have a VT map project coming home. Students will have 10 days to finish and will receive lot’s of sources to use as references.