Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 10th

December 10, 2008
Dear Families,

First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the Holiday Fair a success! Endeavor’s pie sale went very well. We earned over $400 for the team! Thank you for your support.

We are taking advantage of a full week this week. Some things we’ve been doing:
Reading – We’ve gotten a good start in our reading groups. The children are learning new vocabulary, we’re discussing the setting and characters, making predictions, and learning the routines of reading group assignments. We will also compare the 4 books and their relation to the theme of Survival.
I’m sure you heard about our first week of Reading Buddies last weekend. The students LOVED it! This week, our first grade friends will be joining us in our classroom!

Writing – this is the last week for working on our Memoirs. Students have been creating artwork to go with them. The finished product is a secret surprise! 

Science- We worked together through the steps of the scientific method. I emphasized how specific scientists need to be when creating materials lists, making observations, and when explaining procedures for experiments. Ask your child “Will ice melt faster in water or air?” Then find out if they accepted or rejected their hypothesis.

Math – this week we are studying the patterns in multiplication facts using a multiplication chart. We’re also using lots of great math words like: product, factor, multiple, symmetry, square numbers, and more. Additionally, the students got the opportunity to explore some websites that allow them to practice their multiplication facts and more! Check it out on our website

Social Studies – Some children still need to practice their mapping so that they can pass the capitals quiz. This is their 3rd chance. If they’ve passed once, they’ll need to take it again just for practice. Coming up: Our first focus in VT studies will be VT geography. We’ll start after the December vacation. The maps are coming out now!

Other Important dates:

Please help Shelburne Community School in helping others this winter. Please bring in any used (good condition) coats, snowpants, boots, hats, or mittens/gloves for the “Coats for Kids” program. All items will be cleaned by Gadue’s Dry Cleaning and distributed locally to families in need. Drop-off box is located in SCS front lobby. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Vincent at 985-1549.
• 12/10 School Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. CVU
• **12/11 4-5 Chorus concert 7:00 p.m. Cafeteria**
• 12/24-1/2/09 Holiday Break--NO SCHOOL
• 1/15/09 6:00 p.m. Positive Parenting Workshop, “Top Ten Drug and Alcohol Parent Traps” with Margo Austin. Read more

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 3

December 3, 2008

Dear Families,
Hello and Happy December! I hope you all had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. We are right back at it this week. Here are some of the things that we’re doing:

Reading - Students will start their first official reading groups this week. All groups will be reading a book that is somehow related to the theme of survival. Each reading group will meet with me anywhere from 2- 5 times a week. The children will be clear about the expectations and assignments for their group. Children will be expected to come to group with their assignments complete and contribute to our discussions. Groups will start Thursday. Please ask your child about the book they are reading.

**Exciting new reading news** - This week, our class will also start reading with 1st graders on the Journey team. They will be our “Reading Buddies” for the remainder of the school year! We will be meeting with them each Friday at 12:30 to read together. This is a wonderful experience for both the older students and the younger as the older students get to be reading mentors to the 1st graders (and it is great fluency practice!) It is always a delight to see the students work together and help each other.

Math - Students completed the assessment for our 2nd major unit in math- Data. Additionally, they are working on finishing up their data projects and getting a good start on multiplication facts. The next unit we will be focusing on is multiplication. Facts practice HW will be coming home in addition to/as part of the nightly math HW. Please help your child memorize his or her times tables.

Writing - Students are working on creating a solid ending for their memoirs and going over the editing checklist. I am hoping that students will finish up their writing pieces by the end of next week.

Science - Students did a wonderful job on their “Body Projects!” All students have presented their hard work, completed a self-assessment, and received my assessment. All projects (and the assessment sheets) should be brought home by now. Additionally, students took a Human Body assessment this week. For the remainder of the month, we will be learning about the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. We will learn about the steps and have a few opportunities to practice following the scientific method.

Mapping - Many students have passed Map 3 - State Capitals. If not, they still have 2 more chances.

A few more things:
 This Saturday - December 6th- is the annual PTO Holiday Fair.
If you have signed up to help out and are unclear about anything, PLEASE contact me. If not, we hope to see you there!! 
 If you have a few extra plastic bags, we would love to have them for the Pie Sale. We’ll need them to put pies in for our customers. Please send them in by Friday.
 If you know that your child will be absent, please contact Cheryl in THE OFFICE. I also appreciate knowing, but she needs to hear it from you. Thank You.


Monday, November 10, 2008


Dear Families
Hello and Happy Election Week! Im sure you've heard about the voting that we've done here at SCS. It was fun to hear the results. Our class was extra lucky because we also got to hear the nationwide results from all of the schools in the nation that participated in online voting with

The next patriotic thing that we have been discussing is Veteran's Day. Im sure your child has come home asking you about any Veterans in the family. We've been discussing the history of this holiday and why it is important to acknowledge and appreciate those who've served our country. We'll be writing letters of appreciation to Vets at the VA hospital in White River Junction. I hope to get them sent out just in time - by next Monday.

I am going to try something slightly simpler this week. As you (hopefully) saw last week, the students brought home a "Week in Review" sheet that is similar to a "goals" sheet. I've decided to let your child tell you what we've been doing each week. I'll sign it and fill in any blanks or additional comments. Please spend some time to READ THIS WITH YOUR CHILD. It's a great way to start discussion about school.

Also, a few reminders:
* Monday is the deadline for student table sign-up for the holiday fair. IF your child wants to participate, make sure they've turned in their paperwork.

* Endeavor is hosting a PIE SALE during the holiday fair. PLEASE support the team by offering to bake pies or help run the table on the 6th. A sign up sheet came home last week. LEt me know if you need another.

*PTO meeting next Tuesday the 11th at 6 pm.

* Next Wed., the 12th is a half day.


Thanks! Have a great weekend and any feedback you have on the "Week in review" sheet is appreciated.!!

Cara :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 29, 2008
Dear Families,
Can you believe that we are at the end of October already? Wow! This week felt like a very busy week, this is what we’ve been doing all week.

Reading – We started our focus on Comprehension strategies for reading. Students are writing about “Imaginings” they had while reading in their response journals. We are learning about how visualizing helps us to understand what we read (especially in Non-fiction reading). And we will be talking about making connections. The three kinds of connections we make as readers are: Text to text, text to self, and text to world.

Math – students have been focusing on perimeter and area this week. They used a math tool called “tangrams” to help them explore area.

Science – we are continuing to use the Discovery Education website to learn about the human body. Additionally, we have two more visits from the SMILE DOCS and will soon be working on a culminating project. Please, ask your child what they are learning about the body from the medical students.

Writing – Sudents continue to put thoughtful work into their memoirs. We’ve written new beginnings, developed the setting of our stories, and have added some great detail. I am impressed with the effort they are putting into their work.

S.S – Map 2 (50 States) quiz 2 this week (on Halloween!) All students will take the quiz this week. Because this quiz involves so much memorization, I ask them to do it twice – the 2nd time just for practice.

Other important events coming up:

Trick or Treat for UNICEF – students brought home their boxes Tuesday. The school would really like to beat our record for last year. Please help the children who benefit from our collection by allowing your child to participate or by donating to UNICEF yourself.

Picture make-up day/class picture – Thursday, October 30th

Wrapping paper pick up – Thursday, October 30 from 2:30 - 6 PM, in the back gym.

Halloween – We will not formally be celebrating Halloween. (No Costumes PLEASE) What I plan to do is “expand” our snack for TFK and then do some small crafts (Horrogami and skeletons with pipecleaners). Parents are welcome to come in and join us. I’ll probably need some help making skeletons and horrogami.  (oh, it’s a surprise, don’t tell….) Just let me know if you’d like to join us. THANKS!

Endeavor will be hosting a pie-sale for the Holiday Fair (Saturday, December 6). Flyers will come home this week with sign ups for help.

Conferences (and school half days) on November 19th, 20th, and 21st, the sign up sheet went home this week.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Short week!!

October 22, 2008
Dear Families,
Hello and I sure hope you are getting this!! I’ve been informed that my weekly newsletters have not been making it home lately. I apologize – I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong with my email list, but I’ll get it worked out….

So, this week included many special events:
1. The class did some election research in the computer lab so that they are informed for voting. We voted online today using, and we will also participate in the school’s election on November 4th. A few middle school students stopped by today to register us to vote. Students even took a “Freeman’s oath.” This year, students may ALSO vote at town hall when you vote!!

2. Vermont children’s author Natalie Kinsey Warnock visited our school this week! What a treat for the students. Natalie was raised on a VT farm and continues to live in the NE kingdom. She writes stories that are related to her experiences as a child or that come from family stories. Her presentations were great! Ask your child about them.

3. Students were able to practice using a compass today in math. This can be a very challenging and frustrating task. Ask your child if they were successful!

4. We are doing great work in writing. This week we studied our mentor texts for patterns in structure. We also examined how authors write effective beginnings. Then, students wrote 3 possible beginnings for their memoirs. Many students came up with great ideas. Some students will be completing this task at home over the long weekend.

Next week we will start to study and practice a variety of specific comprehension strategies for reading. We will complete our geometry unit and we will start a new session of “Team time.”

** We will not be dressing up for Halloween. Students may bring in extra special Halloween treats for our TFK time on Friday. That will be our harvest celebration!

Cara 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 16th weekly news

Dear Families,
Good Afternoon. This week has flown by just as the others have…The quick version of some of the good learning we’ve done this week:
Students practiced and performed their reader’s theater skits this week. Each skit had a message about character education. The students enjoyed the reading exercise and the performance aspect of it. We will practice and perform reader’s theater many more times throughout the year. It really makes reading fun and helps students to learn how to read fluently and with expression.

In math we’ve been exploring geometry. Students are learning about and drawing and labeling lines, polygons, rays, angles, and lots more. We will continue learning about geometry, polygons, circles, and even some measurement through the end of October. Additionally, Mrs. Kloeckner will be coming in to teach students about saving money! Considering what’s going on in current events, this is a very appropriate time for such a discussion.

Speaking of current events, next week we will be focusing on the election process. The students will be learning the 4th grade version of politics through read-alouds, TFK, and some interactive games and activities. Additionally, we will be participating in 2 mock elections. Next week the students will be logging onto to learn about the voting process and will then get to vote online. Parents may participate too! If you would like to come in and vote with us, we’ll be voting early – Next Wednesday between 12-1:00 in the library. Let me know if you plan to attend so we’ll know how many people will be voting.

This week we continued to use Discovery Education Science to help us learn about the Human Body. We’ve also started studying the skeletal system. Thank you to Alice Brown for coming in to support us in the computer lab! If your child would like to explore DE science at home, they can access the link via the school’s website. Here’s the link -

And finally, we’re just getting a roll on our first official writing piece. Students worked on the first draft of their memoirs at home this week. We’ll be editing and improving them over the next few weeks. We are using 3 picture books as “mentor texts.” Each student chose one to be their individual example. They will study it to emulate the author’s effective and descriptive writing. I look forward to the final pieces. We have some great writers in here!

Reminder: Next week is a short week. There will be no spelling and a slightly different schedule because of our election studies.

This weekend a friend of mine will host “John Dewey Day” in Burlington. (John Dewey is a famous educator and philosopher that was from Vermont.) We start at the Fletcher Free library in Burlington with mask making. Afterwards, we wear our masks and join in a parade on Church Street with a giant puppet resembling John Dewey. Here is the blurb from the library website:
John Dewey Day. Saturday, October 18th, 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 (parade starts at noon). Join artist-educator Frank Gonzalez and his friends for paper mask making and a parade down Church Street at noon to celebrate the birth (in Burlington in 1859) of educator and philosopher John Dewey. Free. All ages. No preregistration needed.

Enjoy your weekend!!
Cara :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Weekly news

Dear Families,

My greeting for the students today: Good morning great students and HAPPY NO TESTING!

We are finally finished with NECAP testing (excluding students who have sessions to make up) so things can get back to normal.

Fortunately, we’ve had the chance to do some fun learning too. We have had another visit from the SMILEDOCS, we’ve been working hard on completing our current teamtime project, and we’ve done some great reading. Students are enjoying the reader’s theater skits that they’ve been working on. Ask them about their group, what the “Big Idea” of their skit is, and how they practice it.

Additionally, you may have heard your child come home and talk about the Discovery Education Science website that we attempted to log on to this week. We all are excited to do some of our Human Body learning using this great website. Students may also log on at home. Here is the link:

Reminder: This week is the last chance for students who haven’t yet passed map quiz one to pass. Next week, we will start studying map 2 which is memorizing and labeling the 50 states!!

v One more attempt: We are in need of nice (soft) tissues and liquid hand soap. If you would like to donate either/both of these to our classroom, we would greatly appreciate it. THANKS!!

Again, please don’t hesitate to call or email with any questions or comments.


Question this week: Would you like for your child to have homework that is completed on the computer? IS this even possible in your house?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Testing this week

Hello Families
I just wanted to remind you that we are taking the NECAP tests this week. Testing occurred two times today, will be in both the morning and the afternoon tomorrow, and then will conclude on Wed morning. IF your child missed any of the sessions they will have to make them up as soon as possible.

Additionally, i wanted to remind you that the HW schedule is different this week because of testing. There is NO WORD STUDY this week. Students will have a one-sided math sheet for HW each night.

IF you have any questions, just let me know.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1

Add Image October 1, 2008

Dear Families,

Hello and Happy October!! Fall is right on-time isn’t it! This week the children are sharing their favorite things about fall. Most of them love jumping in leaves and of course, Halloween.

As I’m sure you’ve heard, we have been practicing for the upcoming NECAP tests. My hope is that the children will understand the kinds of questions they will be asked and the kinds of answers the test makers are looking for.

Testing will begin tomorrow and will continue next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please be sure that your child gets a good breakfast and plenty of rest for testing days. Additionally, homework will be slightly less on testing nights.

Reading – In addition to prepping for testing, we have been learning strategies for what to do when we don’t understand what we’re reading. We’ve talked about both content comprehension and figuring out unknown words. The students shared strategies for solving these problems independently while they are reading. Additionally, the children are continuing to respond to their reading by writing to me in their response journals.

Next week, the students will be working on fluency by working with Reader’s Theater skits. There will be three groups. Each child will have at least one part. Reader’s Theater is a great way to practice fluency because it requires students to do multiple re-reads and it requires them to follow along while others read. (Little do they know they are working on fluencyJ). Additionally, it requires them to read with proper voice tone and fluctuation. We will do mini-skits at the end of the week so children can present their work.

Math – The students have started working in their EDM (Everyday Math) journals. Soon you will see math work coming home that is related to lines, rays, line segments, points, parallel and perpendicular lines, and the like. Look for a family letter which should help with any unknown vocabulary.

Mapping – I am happy to say that every child improved on their map quizzes the 2nd time. Over half of the class has passed MAP one already! Students who need it still have two chances to pass. Friday is the next quiz. Next, we will be learning the states.

Science -Today the SMILEDocs came for their first visit. These are UVM college of Medicine students who come in to help students learn about the human body. (You will see a letter come home from them tomorrow.) Ask your child what they learned today, what they created today, and what great questions they have for the medical students!!

**If anyone would like to come in and share their expertise about the Human Body, please contact me to set something up!! (I know there are a lot of doctors out there…)**


Cara Crowther J

985-3331 x154

My Question for the week:

How is homework going for you and your child?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

9/24 Weekly News

September 24, 2008
Dear Families,
Hello and Happy Fall! I can’t believe its Wednesday already. This week has been really busy with “extras” like Fire Safety, picture day, and the GATES reading test. Other things we’ve started are:

Reading: Students have officially started writing to me in their response journals. IN addition to thinking and writing about our reading, we are working on proper letter format and proofreading our writing. It is a great exercise in writing and thinking about reading, as well as being a great way for the students and I to connect personally. All students will have turned in one reading response this week and should have received a response back from me.

Writing: We are continuing to work on exercises for thinking of things to write about. Last week we made a “Special Place” map. This week we “Mined our Hearts” to create a heart map and brainstormed lists of moments in our lives that evoke emotions such as sadness, hope, embarrassment and worry. Again all of these exercises will help us write thoughtfully in our journals. Students will be developing these “seed Ideas” when we start looking at memoirs.

Math: Math has been interrupted this week with the 3 things I mentioned earlier. The work we have done has been in place value and the language of word problems. Next week all students will be receiving their Everyday Math journals and prepping for NECAPs.

Science/SS – We are continuing to study U.S Geography and some vocabulary that goes along with it. The students were VERY excited to come to school this Monday to see how they did on their map quizzes. As is always the case, many students learned lessons about capitalization, neatness, and spelling. Any student who passed earned a “Patriotic Flyer” and students who didn’t pass still have 3 weeks to practice. I am confident that all students will pass!!
We are just starting our Human Body unit. We’ve experienced a few “Body Breaks” in which we’ve had a quick 5 minute interactive lessons about our bodies. Additionally, we will be listing the body systems that we’ll be studying and will brainstorm a list of what we want to learn about the Human Body.
**The SMILEDOCS program will begin next week. This is a group of UVM medical students who come for 4 sessions to teach the children about the Human Body. They will be here on Wednesdays through October. **

Testing – You should have received something at home today regarding NECAP testing. NECAPs will start next Thursday (10/2) and will go through the week of the 10th. I’ll be doing some test prep over the next week. You may see this come home.

Reminder that you can find the spelling lists online at the Endeavor webpage.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

News from 9/17

 Sept. 16
Dear Families
HELLO! I thought I would keep the news fairly brief this week since we had curriculum night on Monday.

The students are continuing to settle in nicely here in Endeavor. I have already seen them grow in many ways.

We are continuing to learn and practice classroom routines and procedures. Some things we need extra work on are quiet transitions and walking through the halls. It's hard to do these things but we have discussed that it is because there are so many students that share our school; we must be considerate of others.

Students have been assessed in math, spelling, and reading fluency and comprehension. Many students will continue to be assessed in the core content areas.

Additionally, students have received their response journals and started recording the books they've read this year. Yesterday, they practiced writing a response. We'll focus on our response journals this week and students will begin writing to me next week.

We also started our cursive practice this week! I have asked the students to keep pace with the class while I assess their skills and form. Once I see that they are ready to work independently, I will set them free to practice on their own.

Wow! The students have also taken off on their mapping program. They are loving it. I can hardly get their attention when they have maps in front of them. (Most of the time, that's a good thing:)) I will be supplementing their learning of geography with basic mapping skills and fun, interactive geographical "quizzes" and discussions. What a fun way to learn!

I also wanted to clarify the new system for signing off HOMEWORK. What I will ask students to do is to independently check off that they have done their nightly reading. THEN, on Thursday night, parents will sign off that the students truly did do their reading. If they missed any night of reading that week, parents won't initial.

One thing that I have not yet discussed is weekend reading. I know that many of us read on the weekend. Please, take note of any weekend reading. It will give students "credit" for weeknight reading.
That is enough for now I suppose. Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night last night. If you weren’t able to make it, you should see a small “pile” of stuff come home for you tonight. If there are any additional questions, please, let me know.

Reminder that Alice Brown will be our room parent. She may be contacting you to coordinate special activities or classroom help.

Thank you for your support. Have a great week.
Cara 

(So much for brief huh?:))

Friday, September 12, 2008

Next week

Orange Group

1. these

2. theme

3. free

4. queen

5. dream

6. teach

7. desk

8. mess

9. arrest

10. pest

11. correct

12. check

13. elect

14. trend

15. spend

16. creep

17. teeth

18. street

19. complete

20. concrete

Week 2

Words with long e and Short e

Blue Group

Doubling with -ed and - ing


1. cross

2. crossed

3. crossing

4. miss

5. missed

6. missing

7. puff

8. puffed

9. puffing

10. smell

11. smelled

12. smelling

13. clip

14. clipped

15. clipping

16. padded

17. shopping

18. trapped

19. tugging

20. scarred